Google Maps gets serious about ride sharing with new providers, fare breakdowns


Google Maps may have really come into its own when it began offering drivers turn-by-turn navigation seven years ago, but it’s come a long way since then, and its feature set has really expanded to address the needs of users who still need to get around, but don’t necessarily have access to their own vehicle. From public transit info, we’ve seen such support expand to include ride sharing with Uber. Now Google’s taking that one step further, giving its app a dedicated tab for ride-sharing and adding support for service providers in a handful of additional nations.

Google Maps users in Brazil, India, the UK, Spain, and Germany will all see new ride-sharing options from providers beyond Uber, and the app will allow them to both easily compare fares, as well as get estimates on just how long it will take for those cars to show up.

Uber itself also picks up a more detailed breakdown of its various fare offerings, letting users quickly weigh the benefits of pricier options like UberBLACK.

While all this content displays right within Google Maps, you’ll need to have each service’s corresponding app installed on your phone for that integration to work.

Initial availability for this expanded ride-sharing info will first hit Android users, starting later this week. Similar support is planned for iOS, but Google isn’t offering an ETA any more specific than “very soon.”

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