There Are Going To Be New Nokia Android Phones And Tablets


Nokia has just announced that a licensing deal will see a new range of Android phones and tablets produced under its name for the next 10 years.

Earlier today, we found out that Microsoft was selling its feature phone business, branded using Nokia’s name, to a Foxconn subsidiary, FIH Mobile. Now, Nokia has explained that it’s extending another, Finnish company called HMD “an exclusive global licence to create a full range of Nokia-branded smartphones, tablets, and feature phones for the next decade”.

Nokia explains that the new smartphones and tablets will be based on Android, though there aren’t any more details right now. It has said, however, that the hardware will be manufactured by Foxconn’s FIH, while HMD will deal with the sales and marketing of the devices. It’s all rather incestuous and confusing, but the long and short of it is: New Nokia-branded phones and tablets are on the way.

You may, however, be in for a wait before you’re toting a new Android-loaded Nokia. “There is still much work for HMD to do, so you’ll need to wait a bit longer to see what the next wave of Nokia phones and tablets look like,” explains the firm.


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